Page 744 - Echoes

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"Gifts of wandering ice" updates on Mondays and Fridays

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Page 744 - Echoes
October 18, 2021
A wall of text. Sorry! In my defense, I can only say that I don't do them often.

This page is a collage of two rendered 3D scenes with simple basic shaders (no textures). It's an experiment. I'm still thinking whether I should use 3D for my comic pages more often.

Spiderforest's Comic of the Week!

Week of October 18-24

Get a Slice of THIS Life

Working in retail hell or robots exploring humanity, slice of life isn't normally like this!

Honestly Not a Robot.
Honestly Not a Robot. - Your webcomic guide to starting a career at Damnson's Premium Supermarket! *may contain low pay rates, work stress and puns

Now Recharging
Now Recharging is about sentient/sapient robots exploring existence and making friends! Join Emmie the android as they navigate the ups, downs and wonders of ordinary life. Discover an ink-and-watercolour world of cute robot nannies, soft fluffy sheep, super cool gladiatorbots, fairy tales, fresh laundry, pancakes and more!