Page 928 - Farewell, little dreamer

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Page 928 - Farewell, little dreamer
July 31, 2023

Reminders on what's what:
- This is the tomb cave from Page 439, only now it's filled with proper paintings, not sketches.
- The gift Ellie brought is a reference to the first dreamcatcher her mother and Rikter made together on Page 103 (the second one was on Page 179).
- The stuffed cat toy is here because it's the most common type of toy in the hunter tribe. We saw one of those in the abandoned camp on Page 186. It's a staple gift to a child.
- The amulet on the tombstone is Nau. We saw it for the first time on Page 42 and for the last time on Page 436. Had Rikter chosen to send Nau instead of the battery with Bitey, he might've been discovered in time.

I knew that would happen the moment GWI had stopped being the 20-pages little project I had planned it to be and started living its own life in the ocean of my subconscious mind, showing me blurry glimpses of a strange silent movie I'm doing my best to draw and translate for you.

The thing is, when you cannibalize one story, old story, to create a new one, the original doesn't dissolve, it mutates in ways you, the author, can't control without killing the whole thing.

In the original story - ICE GIFT - Rikter resembles the GWI Rikter (kind, cheerful kid who is curious about ice gifts) only in the beginning. Then we switch to a combination of GWI Nikt (serious) and Jan (cruel), and then the Jan part dies (just like the cheerful Rikter part did before it), only Nikt part remains. That somehow got transferred (not consciously, I swear) to GWI. The original Rikter became three brothers. And now there is only Nikt.

+ Chapter 29 of "Hot Obsidian" is published.

More to read

I have other books for you besides GWI. Take a look at them while waiting for a new page :)
I have:
- Tales from the Afterworld, a collection of short stories in different genres (sci-fi, fantasy, magical realism, space opera, fairytale)
- Obsidian Triad, an illustrated fantasy novel about a world created by dreamers. It begins with a young mortal's becoming an apprentice of the creators of his world and tells a long story (the size of LOTR) with a huge cast of different characters. My biggest and my favourite work so far.
- I also have some of my stories translated into Esperanto (an awesome artificial language you can learn in just 10 hours, possibly the official language of BRICS in the future): Donacoj de glacimontoj (Esperanto version of GWI with Russian and English translations under every page so that people can use the comic to easily learn Esperanto) and Glacidonaco (Esperanto version of Ice Gift, the short story that inspired GWI).

My main site is, so you can just bookmark it and use it to reach everything I have published so far.