Translating the poem "Alone"

Edna was a dragon walking the earth in human form. She loved Max and was willing to stay with him. Even her boyfriend, also a dragon, didn’t mind. Dragons live for thousands of years, humans rarely live up to a hundred, so he wasn’t even jealous.

Max’s mistake was trying to get Edna for himself alone, become her one and only. What a “coincidence”! The side effect of completing the quest his cult had given him was becoming immortal, at least that was what Hot Obsidian promised.

So what did our young antihero do? He got back to his mission, he succeded, then he killed his dragon rival. Victory? No. Because Edna saw what he did. He lost her. He lost everything he dreamed of.

At the end of book 2 there is only Max and his mission again. Hot Obsidian left him only one path to follow.

The original Russian text:


Как жестока проклятая истина –
Словно ветер на высоте.
Я всего лишь хотел быть единственным,
Не игрушкой я быть хотел.

Мы с тобой обменялись ударами
Правды вместо кривых ножей.
Я принес тебе правду кровавую,
Ты ответила мне своей.

Не виню тебя! Милая, нежная...
Я один виноват во всём.
Ведь в душе моей – тьма безбрежная;
Все мы, люди, ее несём.

Только с тьмой подступившей справиться
Не сподобился я, не сумел.
Больше звезды не загораются
В ненасытной кромешной тьме...

Я всего лишь хотел быть единственным.
А теперь, погляди... погляди!..
Тьма приносит иные истины:
Я единственный, я один.

My rough translation

One and only

How cruel the damn truth is -
Like a wind on the high altitude.
I just wanted to be your one and only,
Not a toy I wanted to be.

We exchanged the strokes
Of truth instead of the crooked knives.
I brought you my bloody truth,
You answered me with yours.

I don’t blame you! My gentle dear…
I alone am to blame for everything.
The boundless darkness is in my heart,
We, humans, all carry it.

Only when it swallowed me
I couldn’t, didn’t fight back.
The stars no longer shine
In the ravenous pitch black night…

I just wanted to be your one and only.
And now look… look!
The darkness brings its own truth:
I am one and only, I am alone.

Alan Jackson's translation:


Evil, cruel is truth
It damns, freezes like glacier winds
I didn’t want to be a toy, I wanted to be
Your one, your one alone.

Duelling one on one
With bloody truths, crueller than sabres;
My truth lunged – a thrust in first intention –
To your truth’s riposte.

No honour lost
By you, my sweet; one blame alone: mine.
The cruel dark dwells deep in my heart –
The human plight.

And I didn’t fight
The dark that’s cruelly gulfing me,
The boundless, ravenous, pitch-black night
Where no star shone

Edna’s one alone
That’s all I wanted to be. Now look!
Darkness brings its own cruel truth:
I am one, alone.

Jump to another poem:

About the project:
My scifi and fantasy novels have a lot of poems in them that can not be removed without destroying the plot. Alas, my English in not good enough for translating poetry. Alan Jackson helps me translate the poems. It makes the translation of my novels possible.